Talking Together
About The Things That Matter
We are inviting you to dinner to feast like never before and explore what we really think about the big things in life we rarely talk about.
Hard Things To Talk About is a Conversation Dinner Series exploring complex, often intangible themes through food and wine, evocative performance and spoken word, this layered, multi-sensory experience is designed to inspire and delight, and stir great conversations that explore what we really think about the big things in life we rarely talk about.
How are you faring in these unknown
lands we find ourselves in?
Bring your danger to dinner.
Some things are just really hard to talk about. They’re challenging, awkward or taboo and so together we've decided they're not fit for the dinner table. But what would happen if we changed all that? What would happen if we brought some danger to dinner and things got real all of a sudden? Hard Things To Talk About is a Conversation Dinner Series doing just that.
A superb evening of sensory curiosities
provoking the richest of conversations.
Dinner Guest
It was so much more than a dinner.
It really broke down boundaries and opened us up.
Dinner Guest
We really talked... and listened...
to each other.
So rare.
So important.
Dinner Guest
Unlike any event
I've been to before.
I loved it.
Dinner Guest
So amazing to have new and meaningful conversations with old friends.
Dinner Guest